
Home » Fitli » How to Create a Winning Fitness Video Marketing Strategy

a woman doing crunches in a fitness studio

This is the era of YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. Videos are your customer’s favorite type of content to consume. According to Business Insider, 244.4 million US users watched digital videos in 2020. Whether short or long-form videos, a well-thought-out video marketing strategy is one of the most powerful marketing tools you can use as a fitness studio. Because a video that showcases your expertise in action will almost always make your target customer stop, watch, and sign up for your studio.

So, if you’re not already using videos as a part of your fitness marketing strategies, it’s time to get started and lay the groundwork for growing your business.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in this article.

What is a Video Content Strategy?

Tips to Create a Fitness Video Marketing Strategy

  1. Set Your Objectives
  2. Know Your Target Audience
  3. Create a Compelling Script
  4. Stick to the Timeline and Budget
  5. Be Consistent with Your Content Schedule

But first, let’s go over what a video digital marketing strategy really is.

What is a video content strategy?

Why video marketing is so powerful? 86% of marketing professionals prefer videos as a marketing tool and 88% are satisfied with the ROI. Those are some big numbers and prove just how effective video marketing can be. 

But creating an effective fitness marketing strategy requires careful planning and multiple skills. A single video campaign goes through a long but well-thought-out journey of scriptwriting, filming, editing, and marketing. So instead of a haphazard approach, you should devise a video digital marketing strategy. 

A video content strategy is essentially a roadmap of how you will create videos that match your brand personality and resonate with your target audience. It defines the type, tone, content, design, and other key aspects of the video. 

Here are some tips to help you create a winning fitness video marketing strategy.

Why is Video Marketing so Effective?

Before diving into the how, let’s first discuss the why. Video marketing is particularly effective for fitness businesses for several reasons:

Visual demonstration: 

Fitness is a highly visual and physical activity. Video allows you to visually demonstrate exercises, proper form, and workout routines. This can help potential customers understand your offerings and the value you provide.


Video content is inherently engaging, which is crucial for fitness businesses. Engaging videos can inspire viewers to take action, whether it’s signing up for a class, purchasing a fitness program, or starting a workout routine.


Fitness videos can serve as educational tools. You can create how-to videos for specific exercises, nutrition tips, or informative content about health and fitness. Educating your audience positions you as an expert in the field.

Motivation and inspiration: 

Fitness is as much about motivation as it is about technique. Inspirational videos featuring success stories, personal transformation, and motivational messages can be powerful tools to inspire and retain clients.


Video testimonials from satisfied clients can have a significant impact on your business’s credibility. Potential clients can see and hear real people sharing their positive experiences, which can build trust and confidence.

Live workouts and classes: 

Hosting live workout sessions or classes via video can be an effective way to connect with your audience in real-time. It also provides an opportunity for direct interaction and engagement.

Community building: 

Videos can help build a sense of community among your clients. Sharing videos of group workouts, challenges, or behind-the-scenes content can foster a sense of belonging, which can improve customer retention.

Online training programs: 

Video can be used to create and promote online training programs. You can offer subscription-based services with video workouts, making fitness accessible to a wider audience.

Before and after transformation videos: 

Showing real-life transformations through before and after videos can be highly compelling and demonstrate the effectiveness of your fitness programs.

Social media appeal: 

Fitness videos are highly shareable on social media platforms. They can go viral, increasing your reach and brand visibility.

Personal connection: 

Videos allow you to showcase the trainers and staff at your fitness business, making it more personal and relatable. People often choose fitness programs because they resonate with the trainers.

So, all in all, video marketing caters to the visual and engaging nature of the fitness industry. It helps with education, motivation, community building, and personal connection, all of which are crucial for attracting and retaining clients in the fitness business.

Tips to Create a Fitness Video Marketing Strategy

1. Set Your Objectives

First, what is the goal of your fitness marketing strategy? Set your objectives by defining what you hope to achieve. Are you looking to increase gym membership and attendance or perhaps grow online member participation for virtual fitness classes? 

One video marketing objective is to build authority and demand for your trainer program by featuring your trainers. Or, if you’re creating top-of-funnel content, you may simply be looking to raise awareness and brand visibility for your gym or studio.

Set KPIs to monitor and later on evaluate if the objectives of your video were met. Some KPIs you should set for your video are view count, click-through rate, sales, etc. 

2. Know Your Target Audience

Next up, you need to learn who you’re marketing to. All fitness marketing strategies are not focused on one similar kind of audience. Fitness audiences vary by demographic and personal fitness goals. Are you looking for an audience ready to get pumped up or find their inner peace? Your target audience might be busy professionals fitting fitness into their day, college-goers, or even seniors looking to stay spry – depending on your location. 

Identify your audience and do market research to discover which social media marketing platforms they like best. Does your audience prefer a steady stream of 30-second clips or long-form lessons? Of course, because most audiences are not homogenous, consider a multi-platform and multi-format strategy that appeals to everyone who enjoys your fitness brand. 

3. Create a Compelling Script

With your goals, platforms, and formats decided, it’s time to build your script. A compelling script is one of the most important parts of the fitness video production process. Choose what kind of content you are creating and the story you want to tell. If you’re working with a multi-platform strategy, consider how to first film your long-form content and then clip pieces into short, engaging tips and teasers. Some examples of the videos you can create are:

  • Quick tips on moves, nutrition, workout routine, etc.
  • Long-form fitness lessons
  • Short-form fitness tips
  • Clips and teasers from long-form video
  • Blooper reels
  • How-to guides and workout tips
  • Diet guides and plate diagrams
  • Animated explainers and guides
  • Cool fitness and workout technology facts
  • Interviews with pros or your top trainers
  • Client testimonials

Having a script is essential to help you convey your points clearly, introduce your services, explain how you solve problems, and do so quickly enough that your audience is engaged every second. A great script should incorporate these points:

  • It should highlight your customer’s pain point.
  • It needs to offer an effective solution to that problem.
  • It should have a tone and style that matches your brand personality

Here is an excellent example of a well-done script.

4. Stick to the Timeline and Budget

Fitness video production is exciting. It’s easy to get carried away with a grand vision for your videos but make sure you stick to your budget and timeline to eliminate unnecessary expenses.

Short videos and guides taught naturally by your gym or studio instructors can save a lot of time in video editing, as well. 

You may be tempted to incorporate more new ideas that just came to you while filming but that’s only going to make it all overwhelming for you and your team. So, while you have infinite digital takes, use your script to keep filming time limited to what you had decided.

5. Be Consistent with Your Content Schedule

Fitness marketing strategies depend on consistency to be successful. Post content your audience can rely on. Be consistent and your audience will reward you in kind. People who build a virtually-supported fitness routine may count on the motivation they get from your daily or weekly content. They might build their schedules around your video lesson releases or regularly browse for diet tips and encouragement on your social media feeds.

Reward that engagement with consistency. Post regularly and stick to a routine content calendar so that your fitness audience can make your videos a part of their weekly workout routine and motivation. 

In Summary

Video content should be an integral part of your fitness studio marketing. Video marketing helps you boost your fitness brand’s visibility and audience engagement, ultimately roping in revenue. But creating a fitness marketing strategy that focuses on video content requires a lot of work. Here’s a quick round-up of everything we’ve covered in this article:

  • With the rise of video-based platforms, videos are here to stay.
  • A video marketing strategy defines the type, tone, content, design, and other key aspects of the video. 
  • Start with setting clear objectives for your video.
  • Identify your target audience.
  • Create a compelling script that highlights your customer’s pain points and offers a solution to those problems.
  • Stick to your predetermined timeline and budget
  • Be consistent with your content calendar and post regularly. 

Now that you know why video marketing is so powerful and how to create an effective strategy, what’s left to do is automate your day-to-day management tasks with Fitli. So you can focus on fitness video production and churn out amazing content that cuts through the clutter.